Lab 1: Getting Started in Linux

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Connecting to the Linux server

Most materials modelling research of the type you will be learning about in this course is done through the Linux Operating System. For example, all the major High Performance Computing (HPC) resources you may eventually use, such as ARCHER2 which is a national HPC facility and CX1 which is the Imperial HPC system, run Linux.

In this course, you will also be using a Linux server to run your calculations. You can remotely open a desktop session on the server we will be using with x2go which can be run from the Imperial Software Hub if you’re using a lab workstation. If you’d prefer to use your own laptop to connect, you’ll need to download and install the x2go client that’s freely available via their website.

If there is not already a session named “mt-studenty” or “mt-studentx” visible in the right-hand list on x2go when you start it up, you will need to create it.

  • The shortcut to create a new session is “Ctrl+n”.
  • In this menu, you should name the session “mt-studenty” or “mt-studentx”.
  • Set the Host as “” or “”.
  • Select “XFCE” as the session type in the bottom drop down menu.
  • An image of this is given below:

x2go session preferences for linux server

  • Once you have set this, click OK.
  • Then select the session from the right-hand menu (e.g. click on the picture).
  • Enter your Imperial username and password to login.
    • The username is case sensitive and should be in lowercase letters.
  • Note: while I try to ensure students registered for the course have access before the first class, I may not have the most up-to-date information. If it doesn’t accept your login details please let me know and I can give you access.
  • If it is your first time connecting it may ask you whether you want to accept the host key (or something to that effect), to which you should click “yes”.
  • If using a college workstation you may also get some pop up messages about pulseaudio which you’re free to ignore.
  • It will take a minute or so for the session to fully start up so by patient.
  • When logging in for the first time, once the desktop loads it will ask if you want to accept the default menu configuration. You should accept the default here. If you do not, you’ll have no desktop menus. You can still access everything by right clicking on the desktop. The desktop menus are all customizable and you can always change them later however you’d like, but the default is the best place to start. If you make any customizations, they’ll be remembered when you next log in.
  • I’d suggest also turning the sound volume on your pc down as command line work can produce a lot of beeps which may become annoying.

Once you’ve loaded into the desktop session, feel free to take a look around the menus and settings that are there. This is the XFCE desktop manager, and while it is basic, it is quite light on resources (important as you are all in fact using a single powerful workstation simultaneously), and very customizable.

Using the command line

For the majority of first principles codes calculations are launched from the command line, so it’s important to have some familiarity with it. Often, when running calculations on a HPC system, the command line will be the only way to access the system. While you’ll be able to use a file manager on the desktop to access files, I encourage you to use the command line instead even if it takes you a little longer initially.

The terminal application brings you to the command line and allows you to type in various commands and instructions directly. Open the terminal application from the menu. You can customize the appearance to your preference by changing the text size, font and colour scheme.

You can launch a program from the terminal by typing its name. For example typing gedit will launch the gedit text editor by default. Note if you do this now, you won’t be able to use the same terminal until gedit is closed. A way around this is discussed later in the lab.

Files and Directories

Once you have opened the terminal, the first thing you need to be able to do is navigate the file structure.


ls is used to list the contents of a directory. Please note the first character of this command is the lowercase L rather than the digit 1. Try typing it now. By default you should start off in your home directory when you open a terminal, so you should see several automatically generated directories. Note ls has been set to use colour highlighting for you by default, so different types of files are shown in different colours.

You can list the contents of any directory by name. For example:

  • ls /opt/share/ will list the contents of that directory. Here we have provided the full (absolute) path, since we started with /.
    • The filesystem hierarchy always has / as the very top level directory for a linux system.
    • If we specify a path to a directory, beginning with / it means we are giving its absolute path from the top level directory down to its location.
    • Your home directory is /home/username/ where username is your college id. ~ is a shortened way to write this: ~ also refers to your home directory.
  • ls Documents will list the contents of the Documents directory below the current directory if it exists. This is the same as typing ls ./Documents as will be discussed later. Note this directory is empty to begin with so you won’t see any output from this command.
    • Here we specify a path without a leading /. It means we are referring to a file or directory relative to your current location.

Useful Options

  • ls -lh. The -l option requests a long listing format, giving extra details about each file and folder, such as permissions, owner, size, and modification date. The -h requests sizes in a human-readable format, otherwise sizes are listed in bytes i.e. with this option ls would list “4.0K” instead of “4096”.
  • ls -a. This tells ls to list all files, i.e. to not to ignore files starting with “.” which are typically hidden by ls and often used to store various user configuration files. Try typing this now, and you’ll see many more files and folders than previously.


pwd will output the name of the present working directory. Try using it now. It should respond with something like /home/username.


cd is used to change directory. You can specify either the full path, or a directory relative to your current directory.

  • cd Documents to move to the /home/username/Documents directory assuming we are in /home/username.
  • cd /home/username/Desktop to move to the users Desktop directory regardless of where we start from.
  • cd .. to move up one directory.
  • cd . to move to the present directory (i.e. do nothing).
  • cd and cd ~ will both move to your home directory.


Now that you know these few commands, let’s take a look at some important locations on the system for this course:

  • The various files associated with the labs for this course are all available in /opt/Courses/MSE404.
  • The documentation files for the version of Quantum Espresso we will be using are all collected in /opt/share/quantum-espresso/doc-6.3.
  • Try changing to each of these directories now and taking a look at files that are contained in each of them.


mkdir is used to create new directories. For example mkdir carbon will create a new directory called carbon.

Useful Options

  • mkdir -p can be used to make parent directories as needed. For example, mkdir -p carbon/lda/dos if carbon already exists will create lda as a subdirectory of it, and dos as a subdirectory of lda.


rm is used to delete files. For example, if we create a text file with the text editor gedit called tmp, then we can delete it with rm tmp in the directory that contains it.

Useful Options

  • rm -r will recursively delete a directory and any files contained in it.
  • rm -f can be used to force deletion without prompting. Combine with the previous option with caution. There is no recycle bin when using rm. When you use it to delete a file it is gone, unless you have a backup. (On mt-studenty and mt-studentx there are daily snapshots you can recover deleted files from in ~/.snapshots)


rmdir is used to delete directories. Note this will give an error if the directory you try to delete is not empty.


cp is used to copy files. For example, cp sourcefile newfile would copy the file sourcefile to newfile.

Useful Options

  • cp -r will recursively copy a directory and any files contained in it.


mv is used to move or rename files. For example, mv oldfilename newfilename would rename a file from “oldfilename” to “newfilename”, while mv filename ../ would move “filename” to the parent directory.


ln is used to create links. These are somewhat similar to shortcuts in windows except that they operate at the filesystem level. A link to a file can be used in the same way as the file itself. They are useful for many reasons:

  • Convenience: you may want to frequently use a particular directory, but it has quite a long path. You can create a link to it in your home directory and use the link in exactly the same manner as the original path.
  • Saving space: For example, when working with a code that expects a certain file as input in the current directory. If the file is very large you might want to avoid making copies of it, so you can instead make a link to the file.
  • If a parameter file is used in several places, you can use links so that when you update one file, they are all updated, instead of having to update several copies manually.

Note, while the other commands we’ve looked at so far can all be done through the file manager rather than the command line, link creation is less well supported or at least less obvious in most file manager software.

ln can create two types of links: hard links are created by default, and symbolic links are created when the -s option is specified. Symbolic links contain text which points to a particular file, while hard links point to the same data on the disk as the original file. It’s generally simplest to stick to symbolic links, especially starting out. An example of how links are used is as follows:

  1. mkdir tmpdir1; mkdir tmpdir2; touch tmpdir1/tmpfile1 This will create two directories and a file in one of them. Note semi-colons can be used to separate commands on the same line. And we have also used the touch command which offers a quick way to create an empty file.
  2. cd tmpdir2 Move to the tmpdir2 directory.
  3. ln -s ../tmpdir1/tmpfile1 tmpfile2 This will create a symbolic link to the file.
  4. ln -s ../tmpdir1 . will create a link to the tmpdir1 directory in tmpdir2.
  5. Typing ls in the tmpdir2 directory will show the files tmpfile2 and tmpdir1. If your colour highlighting is working, you should see these as different colours to usual files (probably light blue). To see where the links point you can use ls -l.

cp -s can also be used to create symbolic links (with cp -l creating hard links), and can be a little easier to use, particularly for linking a set of files.

  • cp -s ../results/*dat . would create symbolic links from all the .dat files in the results directory to the current directory.

If you create a link to a directory, one thing that may not be immediately obvious is how to delete it. Say your link is called tmpdir. If you try rm tmpdir/ you’ll get the error rm: cannot remove 'tmpdir': Is a directory. Then if you try rmdir tmpdir/ you’ll get the error rmdir: failed to remove 'tmpdir/': Not a directory. What you need to do is use rm but ensure you don’t have a trailing slash following the link name: rm tmpdir. NB if you use rm -r tmpdir/, this will delete the contents of the directory you have linked to which is likely not what you want to do, so be careful.

Useful Options

  • ln -sf: the additional -f option forces the link to overwrite any pre-existing files or links.
    • For example, if we had incorrectly done ln -s ../tmpdir1/tmpdir1 . in the above example, the link would have been created, but wouldn’t point to any valid file. ls will usually show these invalid links as red. We could then do ln -sf ../tmpdir1 . to overwrite the tmpdir1 link with the correct path, rather than deleting incorrect link and repeating the ln command.

Note If you create a link correctly and have colour highlighting in the terminal application you are using, symbolic links that work will be blue. If they are red it means they don’t point to a valid file or directory. You can use ls -l to see where a symbolic link points. If you’ve made a mistake you’ll need to either delete the incorrect link, or use the -f flag as described above to overwrite it.


Now that you know how to copy files and make directories, let’s set up some folders for the labs in the course. While it’s of course possible to do this through the file manager, please use the commands we’ve gone through so far to do the following:

  • In your home directory make the directory MSE404.
  • Copy the directory with the input files for this course /opt/Courses/MSE404/lab01 to the directory you just created ~/MSE404. Remember you need to pass an additional flag to cp to copy a directory.
  • List the contents of directory ~/MSE404/lab01/methane with ls -l
    • You’ll see there are three files in the directory you copied.
      1. - an input file for the DFT code you’ll be using.
      2. C.pz-vbc.UPF - a pseudopotential file for carbon, which tells the DFT code what approximation to use in your calculation.
      3. H.pz-vbc.UPF - a pseudopotential file for hydrogen, which tells the DFT code what approximation to use in your calculation.
    • You’ll learn more about these types of files in later classes.
    • If you’ve followed the steps as given here, and have colour highlighting in the terminal application you’re using, you’ll see the pseudopotential files are highlighted in red when you did ls -l. This is because they are links and currently don’t point to valid files. It’s looking for files at ../../pseudo/C.pz-vbc.UPF and ../../pseudo/H.pz-vbc.UPF where ../.. means go up two directories from the current directory. In other words this is looking for the files at ~/MSE404/pseudo/C.pz-vbc.UPF and ~/MSE404/pseudo/H.pz-vbc.UPF. You’ll correct this in the next step.
  • Go to the ~/MSE404 directory and make a copy there of the directory holding various pseudopotentials used in the course: /opt/Courses/MSE404/pseudo. You should now see that the file in ~/MSE404/lab01/methane is blue when you do ls in this directory indicating it can now find a file in the location specified by the link.
  • Within your MSE404 directory also create a symbolic link to the Quantum Espresso documentation folder /opt/share/quantum-espresso/doc-6.3 called qe-doc.

Tab completion

A useful feature which has long been available in the Linux terminal is tab completion. This is also referred to as command-line completion. These days this is available in both Mac and Windows systems also.

Try typing ged in a terminal and hitting tab. The full name of the program gedit should automatically fill in. If more than one match is possible, pressing tab twice will bring up a list of possible matches. Try typing ge and pressing tab twice to see this.

This can also be used to complete file and directory names. From your home directory, try typing cd De and pressing tab. It should automatically fill in the full command to be cd Desktop/.

Reading a file

There are several built-in programs that will allow you to examine a text file in the terminal.


cat is the simplest command to check the output of a file.

  • cat filename will output the contents of filename to the terminal. For a large file you may need to scroll back up in the terminal (e.g. shift+PdgUp).


more works in a somewhat similar way to cat, except for files bigger than the terminal window, it allows you to look through a page (screen) full of data at a time.

  • more filename to start paging through a file.
  • To move to the next page press space or z.
  • To move down one line of text press enter.
  • To quit before reaching the end of the file press q.


less is more advanced version of more with many more features. This doesn’t output file contents to the terminal however, so once you exit less your terminal will be as it was before the file was opened.

  • less filename to open a file.
  • move down one line: down-arrow, enter, j, or e.
  • move up one line: up-arrow, y, or k.
  • move down one page: page-down, space, or f.
  • move up one page: page-up, w, or b.
  • search for a string of text: /, type in the search text and press enter.
  • A useful feature when trying to check a file that is currently being written to is to press F. This is similar to tail -F. It will scroll forward and keep trying to read when the end of the file is reached. To exit this mode press ctrl+c.
  • quit: q.


Let’s try taking a look at one of the quantum-espresso documentation files at ~/MSE404/qe-doc/INPUT_PW.txt (since you linked the folder in the previous set of tasks).

  • Try looking at this file with cat. You’ll see the entire file is dumped straight to your terminal. If you want to scroll up and down from the keyboard you can do this with shift+PdgUp and shift+PdgDwn.
  • Now try looking at the same file with less. Now you can scroll up and down with the arrow keys or with the k and j keys.
  • Within less, search for the text disk_io.
  • Take a look at the file ~/MSE404/lab01/methane/ in less. This is a basic Quantum Espresso input file. You’ll be learning more about this in the next lab.

Other Useful Command Line Features

While at first, the command line can seem quite basic. There are many built-in features that allow you to work extremely efficiently after a little practice.

The Manual and man command

Linux systems provide an interface to a built-in reference manual through the man command. This is very useful as a quick way to check the syntax used by a command, and what options it might take.

  • Type man ls to check the manual page for the ls command.
  • Type man man to check the manual page for the man command.
  • Type man intro to get an introduction to user commands.

When reading the manual data, by default it should use the less pager, so you can use all the commands for less listed above to navigate and search through the manual.


In Linux many commands will accept wild cards as a way to perform their action on a set of files.

  • * is used to represent zero or more characters. The * wildcard is very commonly used and worth remembering.
    • ls *.pdf would list all the files ending in .pdf in the current directory.
    • rm *.o would remove all files ending in .o in the current directory.
  • ? is used to represent any single character.
    • cp ../example?.cpp . would copy all files with names such as example1.cpp, example2.cpp, examplea.cpp from the parent to the current directory.
  • [] specifies a range.
    • ls example_0[2,3,5] would list files with the name example_02, example_03 and example_05.
    • ls example_0[3-5] would list files with the name example_03, example_04 and example_05.

For more information on this see man 7 glob.

IO Redirection

IO redirection allows you to easily send the output of a command to a file, use a file as input for a command, or use the output of one command as input to another command. The most frequently used features are as follows:

  • > is used to redirect the output from a command into a file.
    • ls > dirlist.txt will save the result of the ls command in a file called dirlist.txt. Take care: if dirlist.txt already exists it will overwrite the previous contents.
  • &> is used to redirect both the standard output and standard error from a command to the same file.
  • >> is used to redirect the output from a command to a file, but will append the output to the end of the file if the file already exists.
    • If you run ls >> dirlist.txt you will see the ls output repeated several times in the file dirlist.txt.
  • < is used to redirect a file to the input of a command.
    • less < dirlist.txt will work as less is happy to read either from stdin or a file.
  • | is used to redirect the output of a command to the input of another command.
    • ls | less will take the output of the ls command and display it directly in less (this is why it’s useful for less to be able to read from stdin).
  • tee allows you to split a stream so that the output goes both to stdout and to a file.
    • ls -l | tee dirfiles will output the result of ls -l to the terminal and also save it in the file dirfiles.


By default the terminal keeps a history of previously entered commands. You can scroll back through previously entered commands using the up-arrow and down-arrow keys.

The history command will output a list of all the previously entered commands following a history index number. By default the list is usually limited to 1000 commands, with the oldest being removed as new commands are entered. You can look at the full list with history | less.

  • !! will repeat the most recent command.
  • !n will repeat the command indexed by n in the history list. For example !100 would repeat the command at history index 100.
  • !string will repeat the most recent command in the history starting with “string”.

For more details see man history.

The linux shell also gives a built in way to search through previously entered commands. You can press ctrl+r to bring up the reverse-history-search and type some text from the command you want to re-enter. You can keep hitting ctrl+r to search back through commands containing that text. If you accidentally go past the entry you want, ctrl+s will go forward through your history.

An additional useful shortcut is ‘alt+.’ which will enter the most recent argument you used, and repeated presses will cycle back through arguments.

Job Control

Linux allows jobs to run both in the foreground and background of a terminal session. If we launch a program from the terminal by typing e.g. gedit and pressing enter (gedit is a text editor), then we can’t can’t do anything else in the terminal until gedit is closed. gedit is said to be running in the foreground in this case.

With gedit running in the foreground, we can move it to the background as follows.

  1. In the terminal where it is running, press ctrl+z. This stops the job. A message will appear in the terminal like [1]+ Stopped gedit. If you try to type, or click any menu buttons, on gedit it won’t respond.
  2. Type bg in the terminal. This moves the most recent stopped job to the background, i.e. gedit in this example. Now you’ll be able to use both gedit and the terminal as normal.
  • To move a job that’s running in the background, back to the foreground you can use the fg command.
  • To start a job in the background you can append & to the command when you enter it in the terminal. For example gedit & will launch gedit in the background directly.

Environment Variables

There are a couple of environment variables that are important for running commands via the command line.

  • $PATH - this is a colon-separated list of directories that are searched for executables to run when you type in a command without specifying any path.
    • If you type echo $PATH you can see what this is.
    • For example, when you type gedit, it searches each directory in turn for an executable named gedit, and runs the first one it finds.
    • You can use the which command to see where it would find an executable.
    • For example which gedit returns /usr/bin/gedit on our system.
    • Note you can run a particular executable by specifying it’s path and not relying on $PATH. So if $PATH was unset, we could type /usr/bin/gedit, or we could do cd /usr/bin, ./gedit.
  • $LD_LIBRARY_PATH - this is a colon-separated list of additional directories to search for libraries used by applications.
    • Libraries are pieces of code that are common to many applications, so are shared and installed separately. And when the application is run, it tries to find this library.
    • Generally, most default OS software will work fine without this set, but if you’re using some custom mathematical libraries or compilers this may be needed.

Environment Modules: Lmod

Environment modules simplify the whole process of changing environment variables to get some custom software package working. When a module is loaded it sets whatever environment variables are required automatically. This lets many different and possibly conflicting software versions be installed on the same system. Environment modules are almost always used on HPC systems to make various versions of common version of computational software packages available. The version installed on mt-studenty/mt-studentx is called Lmod.

  • The main command is module.
  • For help type module help (the same text is output if you just module).
  • To see what modules are currently available type module avail. (some groups of modules which require a compiler module to be loaded will not be visible).
  • To load the module making software compiled using the gcc compilers available type module load gcc. This makes some additional modules available.
  • To see a complete list of all modules type module spider.
  • The particular module implementation we use allows us to easily switch between versions of codes compiled with different compilers.
  • For example to load the Quantum Espresso module, you’ll first need to have the “gcc” and “mkl” modules loaded. You can load everything in a single command though provided the order is correct:
module load gcc mkl espresso
  • Throughout the course, when running on the undergrad server you’ll need to remember to load the modules above before you’ll be able to use the codes in the Quantum Espresso package.
  • If you want to have the modules necessary loaded automatically whenever you log in to the server, you can add the above module load command to the end of the file ~/.bashrc. This file is run whenever your start a shell and can be used to customize your environment.


Now you know enough to run your first DFT calculation.

  • First we need to load the Quantum Espresso module. An optimized compilation of this is available on the system compiled with the GCC compilers and Intel Math Kernel Libraries. Type the following in your terminal to load everything you need in one go module load gcc mkl espresso to load everything you need.
  • Now you’ll be able to use the various Quantum Espresso package executables directly. Go to the methane folder you copied earlier (~/MSE404/lab01/methane) and look at what files are in that directory.
  • The input file there is for the pw.x code. You can pass this file to pw.x with input redirection and save the output to a file with output redirection (otherwise the output will just be in the terminal). To do this type pw.x < > CH4.out.
  • See what files are present in the directory now. As well as the output file we saved, some others were generated.
  • Take a look through the output file using less. We’ll discuss the contents of this in next week’s lab, but for now skip to the section immediately following the line that reads End of self-consistent calculation:
    • This lists the calculated eigenvalues.
    • We have four doubly-occupied bands in our calculation, so you’ll see four numbers.
    • Following this, you can see in the output, the value of the highest occupied energy level in eV, and the total energy in Rydberg.
  • Congratulate yourself on running your first DFT calculation.

There are a lot of commands to remember from this week’s lab. You can always refer back to this week, but to make things easier in future weeks you might find a cheatsheet useful. If you don’t want to make your own, a quick Google search of Linux cheat sheet brings up a number of options.

If you’re interested in seeing some more command line tools, some of these are listed in linuxcommands. If you have time, I encourage you to at least skim through them, as it’s very useful to know what kinds of things are possible. We’ll refer back to some of these commands throughout the course.

Once you’re finished with everything, be sure to log out of the remote desktop session. You can see this option if you click on your name on the top right.


To run the DFT example in this lab you will need to do the following:

  • Make a directory that will hold the material for the MSE404 labs: mkdir ~/MSE404.
  • Copy the directory with the inputs for this lab to this directory: cp -r /opt/Courses/MSE404/lab01 ~/MSE404.
  • Copy the directory with the various pseudopotential files to this directory also: cp -r /opt/Courses/MSE404/pseudo ~/MSE404.
  • Make a link to the Quantum Espresso documentation directory in your home directory: cd ~/MSE404; ln -s /opt/share/quantum-espresso/doc-6.3 ./qe-doc.
  • Load the modules needed to run Quantum Espresso: module load gcc mkl espresso.
  • Go to the directory with the input files you copied and use these with pw.x saving the output in a file: cd ~/MSE404/lab01/methane; pw.x < > CH4.out.
  • Take a look through the output file: less CH4.out.
  • Logout of the remote server once you’re done.