Lab 3: Convergence and Importance Parameters

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In this lab we’ll continue looking at molecules, and we’ll also be going through how to define various input parameters and how to check how well converged your calculations are.

Reminder Don’t forget to copy the lab03 folder from /opt/Courses/MSE404/lab03 to your home directory.

Linux Recap

Before you start, if you can’t remember how to do something from the command line, this cheat sheet may come in useful. Or you can always refer back to lab 1.

Although it’s not essential, at some point you may wish to transfer files between different computers. You can do this using the scp command. This website explains how to use it. There are also some other useful commands which we haven’t discussed here.


As discussed in lectures, pseudopotentials are used to approximate the core potential. For each atomic species, you need a file which describes the approximation you want the DFT code to use for that species. As you’ve seen we set the input files to look in the current directory for the required pseudopotential file. This is done by setting pseudo_dir = '.' in the CONTROL section of the input, where . represents the current directory. We then use a link to this file from some central directory rather than making multiple copies of the pseudopotential for different calculations. This week we’ll be doing some different molecules. As always we need to make sure each of the atomic species have a pseudopotential listed in the input file.

An alternative way to do this would be to specify the central pseudopotential directory directly in the input file. We’ve set this in the input file in 01_carbon_dioxide/

  • Take a look at the directory contents and you’ll see there’s only an input file there.
  • Compare this to one of the input files from lab 2 and run the calculation to check it works. Note that you do not need to edit the file.
  • Take a look at the pseudopotential file we’ve used for oxygen. The header has some useful information regarding how the pseudopotential was generated, such as what states are included, and what approximations are used for exchange and correlation.

Plane-wave energy cut-off

Regardless of the type of system you’re looking at, you’ll need to check how well converged your result is (whatever it is your calculating) with respect to the plane-wave energy cut-off. This governs how many plane-waves are used in the calculation.

  • In Quantum Espresso this is controlled with the parameter ecutwfc.
  • Different systems will converge differently - for example you shouldn’t expect diamond and silicon to be converged to the same accuracy with the same energy cut-off despite having the same structure and same number of valence electrons.
  • Different pseudopotentials for the same atomic species will also converge differently. Often pseudopotential files will suggest an energy cut-off.
  • Different calculated parameters will converge differently.
    • You should be particularly careful when calculating parameters that depend on volume, as the number of plane-waves for a given energy cut-off is directly proportional to the volume so this can introduce an additional variation. We’ll see more about this later.

An example showing the total energy convergence with respect to energy cut-off is in the 02_ecut/01_carbon_dioxide directory. We have already set up a series of input files which are all identical except we systematically increase the value of ecutwfc.

Examine one of these input files. You’ll notice we’ve specified some additional variables:

  • In the CONTROL section we’ve added the setting disk_io = 'none'. This suppresses the generation of the wavefunction file and the folder with the charge density etc. If we only care about the total energy we don’t need to generate these files, and the calculation will run a little faster if it’s not trying to write unnecessary files as disk I/O can often be a bottleneck in calculations.
  • In the ELECTRONS section we have added the conv_thr setting, though it is set to its default value. This variable controls when the self consistency cycle finishes. You should be aware of this variable, as there is little point in trying to converge to greater accuracy than we are converging self-consistently.

So now we want to run pw.x for each of these input files. Don’t forget you’ll need to load the espresso module and its dependencies before the pw.x command will work.

It’s a little tedious to type out the pw.x command for each input file in turn manually. Instead we can automate this with a small script.

Shell scripting

A shell script is a collection of Linux shell commands in a file, and when that file is executed (in the same way as any Linux command is executed) then those commands are executed. We could make a script that explicitly runs each input file with pw.x in turn as follows:


# Run pw.x for each input file sequentially
pw.x < &> CO2_10.out
pw.x < &> CO2_15.out
pw.x < &> CO2_20.out
pw.x < &> CO2_25.out
pw.x < &> CO2_30.out
pw.x < &> CO2_35.out
pw.x < &> CO2_40.out

If we save this in a file called say (e.g. by copying the above to whichever text editor you prefer such as gedit), the simplest way to run the script is using bash, where bash is the default shell on the system we’re using. This means that the same commands you type in a terminal can be used in a bash script. In other words this script does the same thing as if we typed each line directly. It is also possible to execute the script directly using ./, which would rquire you to set the file to executable, using chmod.

There are also a number of features available in bash to make scripts more general than an explicit set of commands. For example, let’s say we want to instead find whatever input files are in the current directory, and run pw.x with them, saving the output in an appropriate file, we could make our script as follows:


# Loop over files in the current directory with extension .in
for input_file in $(ls *.in)
   # For each file run pw.x and save output in file with same 
   # root name as input file but with .out extension
      pw.x < "$input_file" &> "${input_file%.*}.out"

In this script, we save the output of an ls command listing all the input files with .in extension as a variable. Then we loop over those input files, running pw.x with each, and saving the output in a file that has the same name as the input file but with the extension .out instead of .in. The part ${input_file%.*} returns the value stored in the $input_file variable but with the extension stripped away. This lets us make our script much more general: if we add additional input files, they’ll automatically be picked up and run without us needing to modify our script.


  • Save this second script as and run it within the directory with the carbon dioxide input files using bash
  • Check one of your output files to make sure Quantum Espresso ran as expected. If your file contains only an error message, you likely forgot to load the modules required to use Quantum Espresso on our server.

Once the calculations have run, we want to see how the total energy changes with the input plane-wave energy cut-off. We could go through each output file and find the resulting total energy and gather them in a file, but again that would be tedious so we can write a script to do it for us (or extend our earlier script to also do this).

There are two different commands we could use to extract the resulting total energy from file. The first is often simpler to use and is called grep. For example we could use the following to print the line containing the final total energy from each output file using the fact that pw.x helpfully starts this line with a !: grep '^!.*total energy' *out. In particular, we are searching for a line which has the symbol ! at the beginning ^ and that also contains the string total energy in all files whose names end with out. Try running this now in the directory containing your output files.

The other command we could use is awk, which is more powerful, but also more complicate to use, and lets us pick out both the total energy value and the energy cut-off that was used with a single command. We could use this in a simple script as follows:


# In all files ending with 'out', find line with 'kinetic-energy' 
# and save the fourth column/word into variable 'ecut'. 
# Then in the same file also find a line beginning with '!' and that contains
# the string 'total' and print the value stored in 'ecut' and the
# fifth column/word from this line.
awk '/kinetic-energy/{ecut=$4} /^!.*total/{print ecut, $5}' *out

Here we use the awk command to find the line with kinetic-energy and save the fourth word ($4) to a variable called ecut. Then when it finds a line that starts with a ! and has the word total, it will output the value stored in the ecut variable, followed by the fifth word ($5) on that line.


  • Save this as a script called, run it in the directory with the output files and save the output as etot_v_ecut.dat. You can do this by typing bash > etot_v_ecut.dat.
  • Look at the output (e.g. using gedit) and you can see to how many significant figures the total energy is converged for a given energy cut-off.

We can make things even easier if rather than manually generating all the input files, we modify the script to take a base input file and modify it for each calculation, run it, and finally parse the output to a data file.

This is in the 02_ecut/02_methane directory.

The script is as follows:


# Original filename
# String to be replaced

# Loop from 10 to 50 in steps of 5. These are the values of the energy cut-off
for val in {10..50..5}
  # Define input file name. Assign at each file a specific name
  # Substitute "xxxx" string in original file with the current energy cut-off value
  # and paste the result into new input file
  sed "s/$repstr/$val/" $template > $inp
  # Run pw.x on the current input file
  pw.x < $inp &> ${inp%.*}.out

# Extract for each output file the values of the energy cut-off
# and the final total energy
# Paste results in etot_v_ecut.dat file
awk '/kinetic-energy/{ecut=$4}
     /^!.*total/{print ecut, $5}' *out > etot_v_ecut.dat

Here we’ve combined the two scripts we created above, and also automated the generation of input files using the sed command. This can be used to search for and replace some text in a file. We have set up a template input file where we have used the placeholder text xxxx as the text we’ll search for and replace with energy cut-off we want for our input file. The bash construction for val in {10..50..5} will create a loop where the value stored in the variable $val runs from 10 to 50 in steps of 5.


  • Run this script and see what input and output files are generated.

Plotting with Gnuplot

It’s often useful to be able to generate a quick plot when testing the relation between variables. gnuplot is a useful tool for generating plots, particularly as it is also scriptable, so we could extend our earlier script to automatically generate a plot from from the extracted data. There is a more detailed overview in the gnuplot section.

We can launch gnuplot by typing gnuplot in a terminal. Once it opens, we can, for example, plot a data file by typing plot "etot_v_ecut.dat" (provided we are in the directory containing that file). This will only plot the points by default. If we want to join these up with lines we can type plot "etot_v_ecut.dat" with linespoints, or p "etot_v_ecut.dat" w lp. If you want to specify different columns of data, you can do for example p "etot_v_ecut.dat" u 2:1 w lp to plot column 2 vs. 1 instead of 1 vs. 2 (which is the default).


  • Generate plots of the difference between the total energy and its most converged value versus plane wave energy cut-off for both methane and carbon dioxide.
    • Instead of working out energy differences yourself, you can plot the difference in energies directly in gnuplot, for example by doing eref=-100; p "etot_v_ecut.dat" u 1:($2-eref) w lp, where in this case we are calculating the energy relative to -100. You should change the value of eref from -100 to the energy of the calculation with the highest plane-wave cut-off.
    • It can also be useful to plot convergence on a logscale, which you can do in gnuplot by typing set logscale y before you type the above command.
  • How does the behaviour compare between the two molecules?

Exchange & Correlation Functional

The exchange and correlation is a key part of DFT. The functional we use determines how we approximate all the many body interactions. By default, within Quantum Espresso, the exchange and correlation functionals that are used are taken from the header of the pseudopotential file as mentioned above. It’s possible to override this using the input_dft variable in the system section, but it’s best to use the same approximation as was used in the pseudopotential generation.

The exchange correlation can have a big impact on a number of parameters. In this example we consider the example of an argon dimer. By varying the bond length between two argon atoms we can plot binding energy curves. This is another example where shell scripting can be very useful, since we want to run several similar calculations. We can modify the script we used for the cut-off energy convergence to do this. We again define a template input file, found in and then use the following script, which can be found in the 03_argon/01_lda directory. In this case we want more data points in some places than others, so we directly specify each distance we want to calculate. There are also some other differences from the previous script - in this case we take the value of r that we set and directly print it using the command echo, rather than extracting it from the Quantum Espresso output, but otherwise the same principles apply.

The script for LDA is as follows:


# Original filename
# String to be replaced

# delete the file if it exists already (-f)
rm -f etot_v_r.dat

# Loop over bond lengths
for val in 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 4.0 4.2 4.5 5.0
  # Print message to output
  echo "Calculating Ar dimer with r=${val}"
  # Define input file with specific name
  # Substitue 'xxxx' string with current bondlength value
  # and paste result in new input file
  sed "s/$repstr/$val/" $template > $inp
  # Run pw.x on the new input file and save results in 
  # output file with same rootname as input file
  pw.x < $inp &> ${inp%.*}.out
  # Save current bondlength value in etot_v_r.dat file
  echo -en "${val}\t" >> etot_v_r.dat
  # Extract cut-off and total energy and append to etot_v_r.dat file
  awk '/^!.*total/{print ecut, $5}' ${inp%.*}.out >> etot_v_r.dat


  • Run this script and see what input and output files are generated.
    • In order to save computer time the box size and cut-off have been chosen for speed rather than accuracy. If you have time, try converging these values properly. On the other hand, if the calculations take too long then reduce the number of data points by removing some distances.
  • See how the total energy varies with the distance between atoms.

Now we want to try a different functional. In the directory 03_argon/02_pbe an input file is present that is identical to the previous calculation, except we specify a different pseudopotential here: Ar.pbe-n-rrkjus_psl.1.0.0.UPF.


  • Look at this file, and compare the header section to the pseudopotential you used previously. You’ll notice a line mentioning “PBE Exchange-Correlation functional” in the pseudopotential we’re using here, where it said “PZ Exchange-Correlation functional previously”.
    • Here PZ refers to a particular parametrisation of the Local Density Approximation (LDA) - the simplest approximation for the exchange and correlation, while PBE is more advanced approximation (though not necessarily better performing), which is classed as a Generalized Gradient Approximation (GGA). The letters PZ and PBE are the initials of the authors of the papers in which the particular approximations were published.
  • Run the script for PBE.
  • Plot distance vs. length for both PBE and LDA using the gnuplot script in the 03_argon directory, by typing gnuplot This will generate a file called ar_dimer.eps. You can view this file for example using the program evince if you type evince ar_dimer.eps. How do the two functionals compare?


  • In this lab we looked at defining pseudopotentials, checking the convergence of the total energy with respect to the plane-wave energy cut-off, and the effect of exchange and correlation functional.
    • Convergence of any parameter is done by systematically varying the corresponding calculation parameter and looking at how the result changes.
  • We saw how we can use bash scripts to automate this process.
    • This means we don’t need to manually create a number of almost identical input files, and manually go through each one to find the values we want.
    • We can use a bash for loop to perform a calculation for a number of input files.
    • We can use grep or awk to parse results or parameters from our output files.
    • We can use sed to replace values in a template input file.
  • We can quickly generate a plot of a data file with gnuplot.



For systems which are not periodic in three dimensions, such as molecules which we are calculating within a box, we also need to test the convergence with respect to the box size. In other words, we need to check that the spurious interaction between periodic images is sufficiently small for the accuracy we desire. We would also have to do something similar with for example 2D systems, where we would have empty space in one direction.

Optional Task

  • Create a folder called 04_spacing/01_methane_20 and test the convergence of total energy versus box dimension for an energy cut-off of 20 Ry. And then create a folder called 04_spacing/01_methane_60 and test the convergence of total energy versus box dimension for an energy cut-off of 60 Ry.
    • How do these compare?

Advanced Shell scripting

If you’re interested in reading more about scripting, you can take a look at the shellscripting section. We’ll provide plenty of examples and keep things relatively simple in the course, but you may find some of the more advanced functionality useful in your own work.