Lab 7: Finite Temperature Properties

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Everything we’ve done so far has in fact been for systems at effectively zero temperature. And even at zero temperature, we haven’t taken into account the zero-point motion of the atoms and have treated them as purely classical objects residing at fixed positions.

In actuality, there will be an effect from the zero-point motion of the atoms, and as temperature increases the atoms will vibrate with larger amplitude and this can lead to changes in many properties of a material with temperature. You will learn how the thermodynamic properties of a material can be computed from first principles.

Our approach will be to use the type of density functional theory (DFT) and density functional perturbation theory (DFPT) calculations you’ve already seen , and spend more time analysing the output to produce materials properties.

This will involve some reasonably serious numerical calculations, of the kind that would be quite difficult to do without using some form of mathematical software. We will use python to compute the thermodynamic properties.

We’ll be mainly relying on the following libraries:

  • numpy
    • This allows us to easily work with arrays of data.
  • scipy
    • This gives us many numerical analysis tools.
  • matplotlib
    • This allows us to easily generate plots.

We expect many of you may not be familiar with python, but if you’ve used Matlab or Mathematica, you should find the process here somewhat similar, but with slightly different syntaxes. Python is a very powerful language that you are most likely to use in future. We will also introduce you to functions and classes. Functions do specific tasks that you wish to perform. For example, you provide some input, a function does some calculations and returns you an output. Therefore, with a function, you primarily interact (through input  and output). On the other hand, a class allows you to not only create your own data type but also interact with it. You will find out that class is significantly more re-usable.

Let’s introduce you to a very simple class. It has two aspects: implementation, and interaction/usage. Let’s look at implementation of the position of an atom position:

# Indentation has to be consistent
# We are using two spaces as indentation.

# Creating a position class
class Position(object):
  # Special method __init__ to initialize your data
  # attributes
  # Note as opposed to normal function, __init__ contains
  # self;
  # self: parameter to refer to an instance of a class
  # x,y: what you provide while creating this class/calling it
  def __init__(self, x, y):
    # self.x or self.y: Look for x/y that belong to this class
    self.x = x
    self.y = y

  # Methods that you can use to compute things
  # Following method computes distance of (x,y) from origin
  def get_dist_from_origin(self):
    # Note how the x/y values are called (with self.)
    dist = (self.x**2.0 + self.y**2.0)**0.5
    return dist

  # You can add as-many methods as you want

This is the content of Now, let’s see how you can use it. This class can be called to compute the distance of a point from origin. To do this, run the code using : python . Now, take a look inside and try to understand how the calls are made.

# Import the class Position
from position import Position

pos = Position(2,3)
# Access data from class
# Compute distance by calling the function from class
distance = pos.get_dist_from_origin()
print("distance from origin(0,0)=",distance)

Thermodynamic properties of the material involve understanding the phonon occupation number (or, Bose-Einstein distribution), total energy within the harmonic approximation, specific heat at constant volume, Helmholtz free energy, Entropy, etc. In this lab, you will try to learn to code some of these properties by building on some existing code for Diamond.

Phonon calculations on a fine-grid

As you might have noticed, we’ve already done most of the work needed to also calculate phonons on a fine-grid in our previous lab (Lab06/Diamond). This can be done following the q2r.x calculation by choosing some different input options for matdyn.x. Take a look at the input file The contents are as follows:


This is quite similar to the band plot, but now we’re setting nosym to true, choosing a dense q-point grid on which to recalculate our frequencies.

Run matdyn.x now with this input file. Please do not forget to copy all the things you did in your previous lab on the same material (Copy the files from (Lab06/Diamond) directory into Lab07/CarbonDiamond. It’ll take a bit longer than the band calculation as it is explicitly computing without invoking the symmetry. The file it generates: CD-fine.freq. We will utilize this file to compute several thermodynamic properties using python.

Thermodynamic properties

Some key quantities are (For reference, see Wikipedia and and the reference therein):

Bose-Einstein distribution

$n_{BE}(T) = \frac{1}{\exp(\hbar\omega(\mathbf{q}\nu)/k_\mathrm{B} T)-1}$

Total Energy due to phonons

Total energy due to phonons within harmonic approximation can be written as,

$$E(T) = \sum_{\mathbf{q}\nu}\hbar\omega(\mathbf{q}\nu)\left[\frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{\exp(\hbar\omega(\mathbf{q}\nu)/k_\mathrm{B} T)-1}\right]$$

Constant volume heat capacity

Specific heat at constant volume can be obtained from the total energy calculations:

$$C_{V} = \left(\frac{\partial E}{\partial T} \right ) = \sum_{\mathbf{q}\nu} k_\mathrm{B} \left(\frac{\hbar\omega(\mathbf{q}\nu)}{k_\mathrm{B} T} \right)^2 \frac{\exp(\hbar\omega(\mathbf{q}\nu)/k_\mathrm{B} T)}{[\exp(\hbar\omega(\mathbf{q}\nu)/k_\mathrm{B} T)-1]^2}$$

Helmholtz free energy

To compute the Helmholtz free energy, we need the partition function, $Z$.

$$Z = \exp(-\varphi/k_\mathrm{B} T) \prod_{\mathbf{q}\nu} \frac{\exp(-\hbar\omega(\mathbf{q}\nu)/2k_\mathrm{B}T)}{1-\exp(-\hbar\omega(\mathbf{q}\nu)/k_\mathrm{B} T)}$$

$$H(T) = -k_\mathrm{B} T \ln Z = \varphi + \frac{1}{2} \sum_{\mathbf{q}\nu} \hbar\omega(\mathbf{q}\nu) + k_\mathrm{B} T \sum_{\mathbf{q}\nu} \ln \bigl[1 -\exp(-\hbar\omega(\mathbf{q}\nu)/k_\mathrm{B} T) \bigr]$$


Entropy, $S$ can also be computed: $$S = -\frac{\partial H}{\partial T} = \frac{1}{2T} \sum_{\mathbf{q}\nu} \hbar\omega(\mathbf{q}\nu) \coth(\hbar\omega(\mathbf{q}\nu)/2k_\mathrm{B}T)-k_\mathrm{B} \sum_{\mathbf{q}\nu} \ln \left[2\sinh(\hbar\omega(\mathbf{q}\nu)/2k_\mathrm{B}T)\right]$$

Note that the temperature dependence in all these quantities are determined by the Bose-Einstein distribution.

We have implemented these codes using python. For example, you will find a folder Thermodynamics containing a file that has all these quantities you need. It reads the phonon bands calculations at a fine-grid and can compute several thermodynamic properties. For the implementation of total energy due to harmonic phonon, look up the function, get_E_T inside the file:

 def get_E_T(self):
   Computes total energy at a Temperature
     E_T, in units of meV
     NOTE: E_T/nkp is returned
   E_T = 0.0
   # For every band n
   for n in range(self.omega_nq.shape[0]):
     # For every band q
     for q in range(self.omega_nq.shape[1]):
       omega = self.omega_nq[n][q]
       E_T = E_T + \
             (0.5 + self.befactor(omega)))
   return E_T/self.omega_nq.shape[1]

You can compute the total energy at a given temperature by running the python

Try understanding how the calculations are performed and how are they implemented. Note that, all the calculations internaly converts temperature to meV (i.e. $T \to k_{B}T$) and phonon energies to meV (from cm$^{-1}$).


  • Run the calculations at a temperature 20 K.
  • Compute the temperature dependence of $E, C_{V}, H, S$ for several temperatures, ranging from 10 K to 1000 K in steps of 20 K. What happens to specific heat at low-temperature? You will see a lot more details on your homework. Hint: Write a for loop to do this.
  • Plot these data using matplotlib.
  • Try increasing the grid-size from $20\times20\times20$ to a larger number and try reducing as well. What happens?

NOTE: An important contribution in the total energy, entropy, etc. are missing in the above calculations: the contribution without the phonons. For example, the total energy of a material at a given temperature is, $$ E(T)= E_{ph}(T) + E_{DFT}$$, where $E_{DFT}$ is the contribution without phonon (sometimes, referred to as lattice energy). Another important point to note is that they are all dependent on the volume of the material. Similarly, the Helmohltz free energy can be written as $H = E_{DFT}+ E_{ph} - TS$. A thermodynamic state is described by two independent parameters, let’s take them as $T$ and $V$. The free-energy, $H(T,V)$. So, in principle, one should compute the free-energy for several volumes at any temperature or vice-versa, to represent the thermodynamic state correctly. This leads us to something called, quasi-harmonic approximation. This approximation is a harmonic-phonon-based model used to describe volume-dependent thermal effects, such as the thermal expansion of a material. This approximation assumes that the harmonic approximation holds for every value of the lattice constant, viewed as an adjustable parameter.

Thermal Expansion of a Solid

$$ \alpha = (\frac{1}{V} \frac{\partial V}{\partial T})$$ at a constant pressure. Note that the volume, $V$ is obtained by minimizing Gibbs free energy, $G=H+PV$. Assuming a zero-external pressure, we can minimize H at every temperature and obtain the thermal expansion coefficient. You will find this in the Si_TEC.


The calculations has three steps:

  1. Run the total energy and phonon calculations for several volumes.
  2. Compute the Helmohtz free energy for any temperature for these volumes.
  3. Obtain the minimum for for each temperature and compute V vs. T.
  4. Write a small python code to compute $\alpha$ using the scripts provided in TEC folder.

The first-step can be established using running several calculationsbash After this step, go to TEC directory and run you recall, it took around 5 minutes to calculate the phonon band-structure for a single volume last time. Doing this 6 times would take half an hour. For this reason, we’ve included the dos files that would be generated. You don’t need to run the calculation here and can proceed to the analysis TEC


In this lab you have seen:

  • For a solid we used
    • python code to compute several thermodynamic properties computed using DFT+DFPT calculations.