All modern DFT codes are capable of running in parallel, provided they have been compiled to do so. While you may be familiar with a single application using several threads when you start it so that it runs faster, the parallelisation scheme used by many DFT codes allows them to run on a large number of different machines simultaneously to complete a single DFT calculation.
In the quantum espresso package, this is achieved through the use of MPI in which a number of copies of a program are started at the same time which can then pass information among themselves, communicating over the network or faster interfaces such as infiniband, or running several on the same machine where they each use a single core (or possible more than one, as each process could in principle use several threads also). So a calculation that takes say 10 minutes without using any parallelization, would take (slightly more than) around 5 minutes using two parallel processes.
Throughout the course material, we make no mention of running in parallel. This is just for simplicity, since it’s one less thing for you (and me) to worry about in the labs. The calculations we have you do in the labs and homework assignments are small enough that this isn’t necessary, but if you’re interested in doing more serious DFT calculations such as for a MSc project then you should certainly start running your calculations in parallel.
Getting a version of espresso that can run in parallel
If you’re on one of the mt-student servers, there is a separate module for
quantum-espresso compiled with parallel features enabled called
. To load this, you’ll also need to have the openmpi
loaded first. It is set to conflict with the espresso
module, so it will
generate an error if you try to load it while you have that loaded; if so
you can first unload that with module unload espresso
To load the parallel module on an mt-student server type
module load gcc mkl openmpi espresso-mpi
If you have installed a VM on your laptop for this course, and have installed
quantum-espresso from Ubuntu repositories (e.g. via apt
), this version
already has parallel features enabled.
Running your calculation in parallel
There are several ways to start a parallel calculation, and if you’re using some HPC service, you such check their documentation for their recommended approach.
To start a parallel calculation on mt-student or your own VM you can do the following:
- Use the
command, which is used to start a program that has been compiled with MPI enabled communication (if you run it on a normal program it will simply start several copies of that program at the same time). - To tell it how many processes you want to start, you give it the
flag followed by a number, such as-np 2
to start two parallel processes. - Then give it your program and input and output as usual.
Say for example, we have an input for a silicon calculation for pw.x
and we want to save the output in Si.out
- For the serial (non-parallel) calculation we would write
pw.x < &> Si.out
- For a parallel calculation, if we wanted to use two parallel processes,
we would write
mpirun -np 2 pw.x < &> Si.out
The majority of the codes that come with the quantum espresso package can run in parallel in this manner.
You should be aware however, that planewave DFT calculations don’t scale linearly. Your calculation will get faster to a certain point, after which if you add more parallel processes you’ll slow your calculation down. This can vary depending on the system and type of calculation you’re doing, but usually you’ll see a reduction up to around 50 processes depending on the parallelisation scheme (see below) and system involved.
Types of parallelisation
If we do the above and write mpirun -np 2 pw.x < &> Si.out
, we accept
the default strategy for parallelising the calculation. Different DFT codes
use different defaults, which all have their own advantages and disadvantages.
Using the default for quantum espresso is generally pretty good. The
differences between the different schemes are discussed in detail in the
quantum espresso documentation for pw.x
but in general a planewave DFT code
can be parallelised in the following ways (which can be used in combination
provided this has been implemented):
- Over sets of calculations - if the calculation you have asked for involves
running several similar calculations automatically, you can break up these
calculations between your parallel processes. Quantum espresso offers this
functionality for some types of calculations (such as for phonons) and
refers to these sets as images.
- You can set how many of these are used for a parallel calculation with
. If you run with 20 processors and specify-ni 2
, each image will use 10 processors. The default is 1.
- You can set how many of these are used for a parallel calculation with
- Over k-points - this scheme needs very little communication between
processes and so offers very good scaling, as each k-point can be treated as
effectively a separate calculation where results are added together at the
end. It doesn’t do as much as other schemes to reduce the memory
requirements of the calculation, and if your calculation doesn’t use many
k-points, or you’re calculating a molecule this may be a limited approach.
- You can set how many parallel groups of k-points your calculation uses
with the
flags in quantum espresso. The default is 1.
- You can set how many parallel groups of k-points your calculation uses
with the
- Over bands - This can cut down the amount of memory used by each process but
requires a bit more communication between processes.
- You can set how groups of bands are used for parallelising your
calculation with the
flags. The default is 1.
- You can set how groups of bands are used for parallelising your
calculation with the
- Over planewaves (FFT planes) - the plane wave basis set can be distributed
across parallel processes. Quantum espresso does this very efficiently and
this is its default parallelisation scheme. It will distribute planes of 3D
FFT points to the parallel processes.
- This is always turned on. Whatever the number of parallel processes that are left over after you specify other options will be used in this manner.
- Over task groups - if you have more parallel processes than FFT grid planes,
you can redistribute the FFTs into task groups that allows for more
efficient processing.
- You can set the number of task groups with the
flags. The default is 1.
- You can set the number of task groups with the
There is also an overview of the options for the various quantum espresso packages at if you’d like more detail.