Additional Material: Examining the Charge Density and Wavefunction

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In this lab we’ll look at various ways of visualizing the output from your DFT calculations. To do this we’ll be using several additional codes from the Quantum Espresso package.

The Charge Density

To start with we’ll try to visualise the charge density we have calculated for a methane molecule. Take a look at the directory 01_chargedensity/01_methane. This is contains an input file for methane exactly as we’ve seen before. Note, we’ve set disk_io = 'low' which is the default value for an scf calculation (i.e. we could have omitted this and get the same output), as we want to keep the charge density file for analysis.

  • Run pw.x with this input file now, and check the output to make sure it all worked as expected. You should have both a directory containing the charge density file and other output, and a pwscf.wfc wavefunction file.

Now we want to post-process this output into something we can visualise more easily. To do that we’ll be using the pp.x code from the Quantum Espresso suite. This code can read the output files produced by pw.x, extract whatever quantity you’re interested in and generate output compatible with various visualisation programs. There is a help file similar to the pw.x available in the Quantum Espresso documentation folder called INPUT_PP.txt.

3D visualization with XCrySDen

There is a pp.x input file for methane called, that contains the following:

    filplot = 'methane_charge'
    plot_num = 0

    filepp(1) = 'methane_charge'
    iflag = 3
    output_format = 5
    fileout = 'CH4.rho.xsf'

As you can see, the file format is quite similar to that used by pw.x. It contains two sections:

  • INPUTPP which has inputs controlling what data will be extracted from the pw.x output.
    • If we had chosen non-default directories and names for the output files, we would need to se them here.
    • filplot specifies a filename that will be used to save the extracted data.
    • plot_num takes an integer option that specifies what quantity will be extracted. 0 gives us the electronic density. There are many options here, such as potentials and local density of states. See the help file INPUT_PP.txt for details, including info on additional variables that apply depending on this option.
  • PLOT has inputs controlling how the extracted data will be output for visualisation.
    • filepp(1) gives the name of the first file to read (it’s possible to read several files and combine them in various ways, such as to generate charge density difference plots).
    • iflag gives the dimensionality of the output. We choose 3 here for a 3D plot.
    • output_format gives the type of format you want to have output, usually this is determined by what application you’ll be using to visualise the data. It should also be compatible with the value of iflag. We’ve selected 5 which will give us output compatible with xcrysden.
    • fileout specifies the name of the plot file. xsf is a default xcrysden extension.

We can run pp.x in the same way as pw.x:

pp.x < &> CH4_pp.out

You’ll see both a methane_charge and a CH4.rho.xsf file have been generated in the calculation directory. The charge file is in a binary format so we can’t tell much about it. The .xsf file is in a text format so we can examine it (and modify it if we want) in a text editor. Take a look and you’ll see the file simply defines the crystal lattice and basis, then has a section with the datagrid as a mesh of points.

Launch xcrysden (recall you’ll need to load the xcrysden module first with module load xcrysden), and load the file CH4.rho.xsf. You’ll see a big cube, which has the carbon at each corner and whichever bound hydrogen falls within the cube nearby. This isn’t ideal, but let’s carry on for the moment. There’s no sign of the charge density yet. To enable this, go to “Tools” -> “Data Grid”. You can click “OK” on the menu that appears, and then you’ll see a menu that controls the data grid plot appearance. Try entering say “0.1” for the “Isovalue” and click “Submit”. If you zoom into a carbon you’ll see the cloud of charge around it. Unfortunately, since we have the carbon at the origin, this plot is a little hard to see.


  • In a new directory 01_methane_shift, shift the molecule such that the carbon atom is at the centre of the box in the pw.x input file.
  • Run the pw.x and pp.x calculations as before.
  • Visualise the output in xcrysden.
    • Disable the display of the crystal cell.
    • Plot the data grid at an Isovalue of 0.27. You should also enable transparency, and increase the degree of the tricubic cpline to 2 or 3.
    • Under “Modify” reduce the Ball Factor to reduce their size.
  • When you’re happy with how it looks, save an image by first checking the “File” -> “Print Setup” menu. It’s usually worth enabling anti-aliasing here. Then go to “File” -> “Print” and save the output as a png image.
  • Why is there no density around the carbon atom?

2D visualization with GnuPlot

The other way to look at this would be as a 2D contour plot, or heat map. We can get 2D output suitable for gnuplot by setting the input for pp.x as in


    filepp(1) = 'methane_charge'
    iflag = 2
    output_format = 7
    fileout = 'CH4.rho.gpl'
    e1(1) = 0.4, e1(2) = 0.0, e1(3) = 0.0
    e2(1) = 0.0, e2(2) = 0.0, e2(3) = 0.4
    x0(1) = -0.2, x0(2) = 0.0, x0(3) = -0.2
    nx = 100, ny = 100

This input file looks a little more involved than previously.

  • We’ve left the INPUTPP section blank as we can simply re-use the methane_charge file we created when we were generating output for xcrysden earlier.
  • We’ve updated iflag and output_format to select 2D output and gnuplot format, and changed the output filename so we’ll be able to understand what this file was for in future.
  • Now since we’ve selected 2D output, this means we need to define some region to plot.
    • The e1 and e2 variables are vectors defining a plane in units of the lattice constant.
    • x0 defines the origin of the plane, again in units of the lattice constant,
    • nx and ny are how many points to output in the grid.
    • We’ve selected an xz plane which contains the carbon and two hydrogens. Note, we’ve shifted the origin slightly so that the carbon will be in the centre of the output. You’d need to adjust this to work for the shifted structure in the task above.

Now when we run this with pp.x we (hopefully) get our CH4.rho.gpl data file as requested. You can take a look at this file, and you’ll see it’s a text list of numbers with x, y, f(x, y). So you could use this in any plotting program or some other software or code for analysis easily.

To plot in gnuplot you can set labels and do a heatmap style plot with the following gnuplot commands:

set title "CH4 Charge Density in y=0 plane"
set xlabel "x Position (Bohr)"
set ylabel "z Position (Bohr)"
set cblabel "Charge Density"
plot "CH4.rho.gpl" with image

Note, the x and y coordinates are output in Bohr atomic units as we’ve set in the plot here.

Visualizing the Wavefunction

We can also try to visualise the wavefunction we have calculated for a methane molecule. Take a look at the directory 02_wavefunction/01_methane. This is contains an input file for methane exactly as we’ve seen before. Note, we’ve set disk_io = 'low' which is the default value for scf calculations (i.e. we could have omitted this and get the same output), as we want to keep the wavefunction output file for analysis.

  • Run pw.x with this input file now, and check the output to make sure it all worked as expected. You should have both a directory containing the charge density file and other output, and a pwscf.wfc wavefunction file.

Now we want to post-process this output into something we can visualise more easily. To do that we’ll be using the pp.x code from the Quantum Espresso suite. This code can read the output files produced by pw.x, extract whatever quantity you’re interested in and generate output compatible with various visualisation programs. There is a help file similar to the pw.x available in the Quantum Espresso documentation folder called INPUT_PP.txt.

3D visualization with XCrySDen

There is a pp.x input file for methane called, that contains the following:

    filplot = 'CH4_wfn'
    plot_num = 7
    kpoint(1) = 1
    kband(1) = 1
    kband(4) = 4

    iflag = 3
    output_format = 5
    fileout = '.xsf'

As you can see, the file format is quite similar to that used by pw.x. It contains two sections:

  • INPUTPP has inputs controlling what data will be extracted from the pw.x output.
    • If we had chosen non-default directories and names for the output files, we would need to set them here.
    • filplot as before specifies a filename that will be used to save the extracted data.
    • plot_num takes an integer option that specifies what quantity will be extracted. 7 gives us the wavefunction. There are many options here, such as potentials and local density of states. See the help file INPUT_PP.txt for details, including info on additional variables that apply depending on this option.
    • kpoint(1) is used to set the k-point index of the wavefunction we want to output. There is only the gamma point in our calculation, so we can set this to 1. For periodic materials where we have a grid of k-points we could also specify kpoint(2) and generate output for a range of k-points.
    • kband(1) and kband(2) are the lower and upper limits of the bands that we want to output the wavefunction for.
  • PLOT has inputs controlling how the extracted data will be output for visualisation.
    • iflag gives the dimensionality of the output. We choose 3 here for a 3D plot.
    • output_format gives the type of format you want to have output, usually this is determined by what application you’ll be using to visualise the data. It should also be compatible with the value of iflag. We’ve selected 5 which will give us output compatible with xcrysden.
    • fileout usually specifies the name of the plot file, however for wavefunction output where several files are generated, the text in fileout is appended to the name of each file. xsf is a default xcrysden extension, so we can add this here.

We can run pp.x in the same way as pw.x:

pp.x < &> CH4_pp.out

You’ll see many files have been generated beginning with CH4_wfn followed by a k-point and band index. Each has a corresponding .xsf file. The .xsf files which we’ll be using for visualization are in a text format so we can examine them (and modify them if we want) in a text editor. Take a look and you’ll see the files simply defines the crystal lattice and basis, then have a section with the datagrid as a mesh of points.

Launch xcrysden (recall you’ll need to load the xcrysden module first with module load xcrysden), and load the file CH4_wfn_K001_B001.xsf. You’ll see a big cube, which has the carbon at each corner and whichever bound hydrogen falls within the cube nearby. This isn’t ideal, but let’s carry on for the moment. There’s no sign of a wavefunction yet. To enable this, go to “Tools” -> “Data Grid”. (Make sure you’re x2go window and your xcrysdent window are big enough to see this). You can click “OK” on the menu that appears, and then you’ll see a menu that controls the data grid plot appearance. Try entering say “0.02” for the “Isovalue” and click “Submit”. If you zoom into a carbon you’ll see the wavefunction around it. Unfortunately, since we have the carbon at the origin, this plot is a little hard to see.


  • In a new directory 01_methane_shift, shift the molecule such that the carbon atom is at the centre of the box in the pw.x input file.
  • Run the pw.x and pp.x calculations as before.
  • Visualise the output in xcrysden for the wavefunctions associated with each of the four bands.
    • Disable the display of the crystal cell.
    • Try plotting the data grid at different isovalues. Each wavefunction will have a different range of values that might show interesting features. You can also try enabling transparency, and increasing the degree of the tricubic cpline to 2 or 3.
    • Under “Modify” try reducing the “Ball Factor” to reduce the visual size of the ions.
  • When you’re happy with how it looks, save an image by first checking the “File” -> “Print Setup” menu. (You’ll need to leave the data grid menu open). It’s usually worth enabling anti-aliasing here. Then go to “File” -> “Print” and save the output as a png image.

Projected Density of States

Following from the electronic density of states, it can be very useful in understanding a material to visualize how the density of states can be decomposed into the various states belonging to each atom in the system. To do this we can use the projwfc.x tool from the Quantum Espresso package. This is used in a similar way to the dos.x tool, although it is not possible to use tetrahedra to integrate the DOS, so a broadening must be used.

A set of example input files for diamond are given in the directory 03_projecteddos/01_diamond. This set of inputs follows exactly the same progression as previously, except now for the third step we have an input file for projwfc.x rather than for dos.x. In this file we have a single PROJWFC section, but we have actually retained the same inputs we used previously in the DOS calculation. As usual, you can get full details of the various inputs that are available in the help file INPUT_PROJWFC.txt.

Now run these three calculations as before. Again a short script has been provided which does this explicitly. Once they have completed you’ll see we again have generated a pwscf.dos file as before. You can try to plot this if you like, and you’ll see it’s identical to the density of states we obtained with the equivalent dos.x calculation. However, we also have a number of other files that have been generated, all with names beginning with pwscf.pdos_ by default. Try looking at pwscf.pdos_tot first. You’ll see this is a three column file, with energy, density of states, and the total of the various decomposed projected density of states. In principle column 2 and 3 should be the same (and column 2 will reproduce the already calculated density of states), but in practice it can be difficult to assign conduction band states accurately so there may be some small disagreement there.

The additional files will the projected density of states for each atom in the unit cell and each orbital type (s, p, d etc) present. If you look, for example at the file pwscf.pdos_atm#1(C)_wfc#1(s), you’ll see we have three columns: energy, a column labelled ldos and a column labelled pdos. For s-orbitals we only have one value of the magnetic quantum number ml, so there is only one pdos column, and the ldos and pdos columns are equivalent. If you look at the file pwscf.pdos_atm#1(C)_wfc#2(p) you’ll see we now have 5 columns: energy, ldos, and 3 pdos columns. ldos gives the sum of the three pdos columns, and each pdos column is for a different value of ml (3 for a p-orbital).

In our case, the corresponding files for each of the C atoms in the cell should be equivalent as the two atoms in the cell are equivalent. For one of the atoms, try plotting the projected density of states of the s-orbital and one of the p-orbitals (e.g. try plotting the 3rd column in each file) together. Are the states near the top of the valence band more s-like or p-like?


  • Calculate and plot, in whichever way you think best shows the important features and differences, the projected density of states for both silicon and aluminium.
  • How do these compare to each other, and the example diamond calculation?